The trailer has been picked up for the HOA HazMat Collection. It is the U-Haul in front of 7613 Yaupon, just before Blue Lilly. It is currently locked, so please do not come and leave materials outside of the trailer. Kids will be walking to school and we don’t want them messing with chemicals.
You are welcome to drop off materials Friday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Please call me at five-one-two-three-zero-one-zero-three-zero-nine if you want to come by.
ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.
The main drop off time will be 7:00am to 8:00am this Saturday morning. The trailer will leave at 8:00am sharp to take the delivery to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
Some rules:
ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.
The Household Hazardous Waste Facility cannot accept materials generated by businesses.
This is for GHRHA homes only.
This is ONLY for Batteries, Oil, Paint and Antifreeze (think “BOPA”). While the Facility does take more types of chemicals, state requires permits are required to do remote collections of those chemicals. Please do not bring anything but those four items.
Please put the items in a box or other container. The trailer bounces around and we want to minimize movement while driving.
Please tape closed any paint cans or other chemicals to prevent accidental opening.
ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.
Time to dig out the old batteries, oil, paint and antifreeze for the Household Hazmat Collection.
Friday night we’ll set out a collection truck for delivery on Saturday morning (before the garage sale shoppers arrive). Collection will occur at 7613 Yaupon Dr, from 7-8 am. The truck will leave at 8:00 am and deliver the materials to the Austin Hazmat Facility. Please limit all items to only items by GHRHA residents, and only residential items (no business collection.) ALL ITEMS must be marked with your name and address.