It’s summer and time to celebrate. Please join your Reserve at Great Hills neighbors at the annual 4th of July neighborhood parade at Laurel Mountain Elementary (main entrances off Blue Lilly and Yaupon) on Thursday, July 4th, starting at 8:45am. There will be breakfast tacos, cookies, donuts, drinks, etc. Decorate your strollers, wagons, bikes and pets and come out for a fun time! The Austin Fire Department will be sending a truck as usual and the parade will start promptly at 9:00am so don’t be late.
Author: admin
Neighborhood 4th of July Parade

Neighborhood 4th of July Parade
It’s summer and time to celebrate. Please join your Reserve at Great Hills neighbors at the annual 4th of July neighborhood parade at Laurel Mountain Elementary (main entrances off Blue Lilly and Yaupon) on Tuesday, July 4th, starting at 8:30am. There will be breakfast tacos, cookies, donuts, drinks, etc. Decorate your strollers, wagons, bikes and pets and come out for a fun time! The Austin Fire Department will be sending a truck as usual and the parade will start promptly at 9:00am so don’t be late.
Come join your GHRHA neighbors for the Annual Spring Fling. We will have Amy’s Ice Cream, margarita’s, beer and wine and family friendly drinks. Come enjoy pizza and cookies, too!
For the kids in all of us, there will be our balloon twist artist and our favorite face painter on hand for all of your artistic creations. Children can also set up your table, booth or display for Kid’s Market Day.
We hope to see you this year at Blue Beach Cove for this annual GHRHA favorite.
ANNUAL MEEETING – May 5, at 7:00 PM at LME
Come to the Annual Meeting of the Great Hills Reserve HOA!
Our Special Guest will be Sheri Gallo, YOUR Austin City Council representative for District 10.
We will also have Elections for officers and opportunities to volunteer. Finally, if that’s not enough there will be DOOR PRIZES to several lucky homeowners who attend.
As you have seen on the Yahoo Group, there are several issues that are taking shape that will directly impact our neighborhood, including new roads through the preserve. This is your opportunity to be heard.
Annual DUES are DUE May 31
Check your mail in the next week for your Annual Dues statement. Please drop off your payment at 7404 Blue Beach Cove – or – better yet – bring your check to the Annual Meeting on May 5. You can also mail your dues back to: GHRHA, P.O. Box 202643, Austin, Tx 78720-2643
It’s Back! Progressive Wine Party Returns
We’re putting the Progressive Wine Party back on the calendar for the evening of January 24th from 7-10pm.
We’re in the planning stages now, and we need YOUR help to make this happen. Please let us know if you can be one of our three host homes for this event. Email President [at] to volunteer, and check the Yahoo Group for more information.
This year we’ll send the invite out through direct email, so if you want to attend, make sure we have your updated email address!
Movies and Meteors
Movie night was Incredible!
Thanks to all who came out for our first HOA Movie Night. It was a great night to keep warm under blankets while the Incredibles played on the Big Screen. The movie ended just before the Meteor went streaking across the Austin sky.
Keep your eye out for the next movie… we’ll have it before the next Meteor…
OctoberFest 2014 Was a Success!
Thanks to all the neighbors who came out for the Annual OctoberFest. It was great to see everyone! From the Chicken Dance to the Great American Cookie – Fun was had by all!
Oct 5 is Oktoberfest!
Spring Fling Fun!
Great to see everyone at this year’s Spring Fling!
First, a Very Special Thanks for the Giant Cookie from our neighbors at the Great American Cookie Company.